Monday 10 January 2011

I am SOS excited! It is going to be my bday tomorrow!! Yea! If you are wondering what tradition we have on bdays we basically just wake up ( go to school if it is school) and open our presents in the afternoon. Not much of a tradition! But i am inviting my aunt and grandma to waych me open my presents! Also if you are wondering what i did for my bday party we went to this resterant and then went to see pinoccho! The one with the nose that grows (rhymes)! But it said on the proggrame that it was a muisical but turned out to be all opera like " Hello i want to talk to you," would be all opera! But it was still good. I know that tonight i won't be able to go to sleep! Yesterday i had to wait 2 hours until i could get to sleep! SOS annoying! I was sos bored! Anyway just doin a quick update!
bye guys!

Sunday 9 January 2011

What i got for christmas

Sorry guys! I haven't updatted this for days but that is because the internet wasn't working. It is true! Anyway i am doing a what i got for christmas but i will soon be doing a what i got for my birthday coz that is on this Tuesday. I am just saying that i am not bragging or anything i just love reading these kind of blogs and vlogs. It is kind of late but oh well! Ok lets start.

The first thing i got was this harry potter years 1 - 6 DVD's.

Then i got Super Mario Brothers.

Also i got Now thats what i call music 77

Then i got this thing to put in your bath.

I got this big tube of smarties and i got this hetty feather book.

And i got this rose book

So that is what i got for christmas. Please i am not bragging!
Bye guys!

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Build A Bear

Okay so hey guys i have just been to build a bear. It was so fun! So what you do is you basically pick what your outside wants to look like and then you stuff your bear. There was a massive queue waiting to stuff there unstuffed bears and the person in front of me had like 10 bears to stuff, or probably more. Literally!! Also while we were queuing we saw this box which had different sounds. Some were ready made like the "i love you" sound but you could record your own voice saying like " Hi. Hug me" ,or anything you wanted, and put the speaker that you record either in the bears tummy or hand ( i put it in the hand and i recorded me saying " Hello. I love you" if you were wondering what i had said into the speaker) So once you have stuffed your bear (and maybe added a sound) you pick out clothes, shoes and accessories for your bear and go into the dressing room to change your bear into the outfit. Of course me and my mum didn't change it while we were in the shop so when we got home it didn't fit the bear. Then you create a birth certificate which has all the bears details, like the name, how tall it is, what color its fur is etc. Then you pay and leave! Here is a picture of my bear ( which is actually a monkey)

Then me and my mum went into the Carphone Warhouse to get my mum a phone. It looks like a Blackberry but it isn't. Next we went to Marks and Spencers and my mum bought some bananas and stuff but when i tried one then skin was all wet and when i was about to peel it i smelled this horrible smell. We returned the bananas but when i say horrible i mean HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So that was my day. plz comment and subscribe!

Sunday 2 January 2011

Hi! I was already making blogs before i made this channel but i forgot my username and password so soz. I was already slacking so i decided to make another one because i was bored. I don't know how to make my blog more popular so to get more people reading it but i can't coz i am under 13. Sad :( . If you don't know what that thing was after i had said sad it is a sad face coz if you ever see that kinda thing anywhere it probably means that you should turn your face 90 digrees to the left and see what it is cool huh? I am SOS ( which means mega or really btw)( i made it up)(btw means by the way btw)( i love this kinda shortened version of words i think it is cool) about going to build a bear tomorrow. Have you ever been to build a bear? Is it fun? I have been lookin on youtube to see if the videos about the build a bear because that is what i do. btw i usually get bored alot. And when a mean alot i mean ALOT. Just a little fact. btw when i am older i will probably make a new account coz i will probably start a youtube account. Also i love watching videos on youtube and also i actually make videos which i think is so fun. I am just going to recommend some youtube people that i think are good if your new to youtube. firstly there is this one called "barelypolitical" which make parodys of music videos. Also there is the "SHAYTARDS" which i love coz it is a follow me around vlogs (if you don't know what follow me around vlogs are they are these videos that you follow people around on camera which is super cool). okay so next there is ijustine. she has 4 channels so i am gonna tell you what all of them are based on. her just "ijustine" channel she does ask IJ videos which  have some peoples questions on different social websites and she answers them. Next channel she has is "otherijustine" which is follow me around vlogs. Also there is "ijustine reviews" which has her doing reviews on different things. Then there is "ijustineiphone" which she does basically follow me around vlogs on her iphone. Then there is "whatsupelle" where she has basically three sisters which she does dances with. She is an amazing dancer! There is also this person called "juicystar07" where she does make up videos. She also has another channel called "otherjuicystar07". that is basically a channel where she does tags, JuicyJabber(where she talks about what she has been doing) and fun kinda vlogs. Then there is "Fred". he does funny videos.Then there is "ShaneDawsonTV". This person i don't really like but most people <3 him. I think he is alright. He does funny vids. plz don't put comments saying that i hate him and things like that. I think he is quite funny. He does funny vids btw. He also does an iphone channel and a 2nd channel but i don't really watch those. There is loads more but it would just get too long to keep on going. So plz comment and thx.